Qhakuva tells the story of a distant dystopian future set in South Africa where a space traveller lands in the city of Joburg, wrecking their mode of transport. They begin to explore this foreign land, much to the amazement of the people. It speaks to a certain kind of mobility, and the ability to travel to different dimensions and worlds.
Direction and Editing: Umlilo and Francois Knoetze
Music production: Jumping Backslash
Singer and narrator: Umlilo
Costume design: Umlilo and Francois Knoetze
Umlilo, Intergalactic shape-shifting kwaai diva, is a genre and gender-bending multi-disciplinary artist. The queer performer and music producer’s signature sound dubbed ‘future kwaai’ explores and pushes the boundaries of electronic kwaito, alt-pop music in contemporary South Africa and has been a regular fixture in the international music community.
︎: @umlilo_SA
︎: @kwaai_diva
︎: Linktree